Annotation:Around the World for Sport (6)
X: 1 T:Round The World For Sport,unedited. BF14.02 M:4/4 L:1/8 Q:200 S:MS14,Browne "D",early 19thC,Troutbeck,W'morland R:.Reel O:England A:Lake District N:This is as close as I can get with the Photocopy,many notes are N:impossible to distinguish between crotchets,quavers etc, so I have N:attempted a reconstruction as the next item, but am not confident that N:it is correct..CGP Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:G "_Unedited"EFGAB|AGAB|GG/G/ BA GEE|FGGB AGAB|(Bc/d/)Ad|F2D2D2:|! |:geefg2b2|e2g2 fddg|(fg/a/) fd|fgeef2g2b2|ddBd ABGEE|! geef g2b2|eg fddg|(fg/a/)f2df|g2b2f2a2|e2fdA2Bd|A2F2E2E2|]
(A)ROUND THE WORLD FOR SPORT [6]. English, Reel (cut time). E Minor. Standard tuning (fiddle). AAB.