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Annotation:Banjo Quadrilles: No.2 (The)

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Sheet Music for "Banjo Quadrilles: No.2 (The)"Banjo Quadrilles: No.2 (The)FINEal fineD.S.Book: Sheet music: The Banjo Quadrillesarranged by R.M. Levey (c1844)Transcription: Conor Ward

BANJO QUADRILLES: No. 2, THE.  AKA and see Fireman's Quickstep."  American, Irish; Quadrille (2/4 time). D Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). ABC.  See note for "Banjo Quadrilles: No.1" for Conor Ward's history of this Irish quadrille set, fashioned from popular blackface minstrel tunes into a popular dance set. Regarding "Banjo Quadrille No. 2", Ward writes:

The second quadrille has the surname “Brower”[1] prefaced to it by Levey contains three parts A, B, and C, and it appears it was played in the order ABACA. Levey has combined the BC parts together i.e. A(B+C), which is probably a mistake, whereas Thomas Kiernan and Eliza Delany have written them separately i.e. ABC. This (B+C) part, and its separated counterparts, is based on the song, “Old Dan Tucker”. The A part has not been definitively identified, but together with the B part it displays a resemblance to “The Fireman’s Quick Step” (see Fireman's Quickstep").

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  1. Presumably the name "Brower" refers to Frank Brower (1823 – 1874) a founding member of the Virginia Minstrels [A.K.].
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