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Annotation:Banjo Quadrilles: No.3 (The)

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Sheet Music for "Banjo Quadrilles: No.3 (The)"Banjo Quadrilles: No.3 (The)FINEal fineD.S.Book: Sheet music: The Banjo Quadrillesarranged by R.M. Levey (c1844)Transcription: Conor Ward

BANJO QUADRILLES NO. 3, THE.  American, Irish; Quadrille part (6/8 time).  A Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). ABCDA.  See note for "Banjo Quadrilles: No.1" for Conor Ward's history of this quadrille set, fashioned from popular blackface minstrel tunes into a popular dance set. Regarding "Banjo Quadrille No. 3", Conor remarks:

The third quadrille has the surname “Pelham” prefaced on the Levey music sheet. Levey has the structure A(B+A)C with a “D. C.” at the end, and the finish symbol at the end of the first part, but without the word “Fine,” effectively making the complete structure A(B+A)CA. Only the Grier source manuscript follows Levey’s lead in this, but the (B+A) section is not copied; in effect the structure then is ABCA. Grier himself and Delany have an ABC structure, but Kernan has ABAC. It’s likely all versions are written incorrectly and the correct format of the tune is ABACA. None of the parts have been identified, but a modern Cape Breton quadrille, “A Winston Tune”, shows some slight resemblance to the B and A parts, in that order, and may well be a derivative.

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Printed sources : - R.M. Levey, Sheet music issue, 1844.  

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