Annotation:Bonny Lass of Aberdeen (2)

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X:41 T:Bonny Lass of Aberdeen [2]. JBa.40 M:2/2 L:1/8 Q:1/2=90 S:Joseph Barnes MS,Carlisle,1762. R:.reel O:England A:Carlisle Z:vmp.C.Graebe. K:D major %“_No time sig.Key sig 1# – low E..Dmaj sounds best” B2 | AFED AFED| BABc d2 B2 | AFED AFED| EDEF G2B2 |! AFED AFED | BABd GFED | d2 cB BcdB | AGFE D2 :|! |:f2 | edBA ecBA | d2 cB c2 BA | BABc dcde | gagf e2 g2 |! fgaf ecBG |BcdB AFED| d2 cB BcdB | AGFE D2 :|]

BONNY LASS OF ABERDEEN [2]. AKA and see "Bonny Kate (3)," "Bonny Kate of Aberdeen." English, Reel (cut time). D Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB. "Bonny Lass of Aberdeen [2]" is contained in the 1760's music manuscript collection of musician Joseph Barnes (Carlisle, Cumbria). As "Bonny Kate of Aberdeen" the tune was printed in London in R. Baldwin's periodical The London Magazine; or, The Monthly Intelligencer, and in the Thompson's Compleat Collection of 200 Favourite Country Dances, vol. 3 (1773, No. 85).

Additional notes
Source for notated version : - Joseph Barnes music manuscript collection (Cumbria, 1762) [Offord].

Printed sources : - John Offord (Bonny Cumberland), 2018; p. 3.

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