Annotation:Bridge of Craige (The)
X:1 % T:Bridge of Craige, The M:C L:1/8 R:Reel B:Joshua Campbell – A Collection of New Reels & Highland Strathspeys (Glasgow, 1789, p. 18) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:A E|(Ac/d/) (e>A) T(c>A) e2|(de/f/ =g>)d BGGB|(Ac/d/ e>)A T(c>A) (e>A)|e(f/g/ a>)e Tc>AAE| (Ac/d/) (e>A) T(c>A) e2|B(=gg)d BGGB|E>Ac>A (e>A) (e>g)|(a>b)(e>g) aAA|| f|(ef/g/ a>)b T(g>e) a2|B{a}=g/f/ g>d BGGf|(ef/g/ a>)b T(g>e) a2|(a/b/)(g/a/) (f/g/)(e/f/) Tc>(AA>)f| (ef/g/) a>b T(g>e) a2|d>bc>a B>=gB>G|(c>A)(d>B) (e>c) Tf2|(ef/g/ a>)e TcAA||
BRIDGE OF CRAIGE, THE. Scottish, Reel (whole time). A Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AB. The first strain of "Bridge of Craige" is very similar to the first strain of Malcolm MacDonald's "Miss Anny Stewart, Bohally’s Reel;" the second strains much less similar but still retaining the same general melodic character.