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Annotation:Cease Not to Row Brave Boys

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CEASE NOT TO ROW BRAVE BOYS (Fhearaibh mo rùin na diultaibh iomairt). Scottish, Jig. C Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AAB. This tune "was acquired from Dr. Morison, formerly mentioned as a native of Lews; the words describe a boat or vessel in imminent hazzard, and the hands overpowered with fatigue, whilst one of the number strikes up this ditty to cheer them up, and keep time,-- alluding to the knowledge and skill of their steersman, and the power of Providence to send them instant relief,-- the sure way to obtain which, was by every man performing his duty" (Fraser).

Source for notated version:

Printed sources: Fraser (The Airs and Melodies Peculiar to the Highlands of Scotland and the Isles), 1816; No. 197, p. 82. Laybourn (Köhlers’ Violin Repository, Book 2), 1881-1885; p. 168.

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