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Annotation:Colonel Forbes C.B.

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X:1 T:Colonel Forbes C.B. (Inverernan) C:J. Scott Skinner M:C L:1/16 R:Strathspey B:Skinner – Miller o’ Hirn Collection (1881, No. 86, p. 45) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:C F2|E3cG3c F3cE3c|edcB cE3 {E}[B,3D3]- [B,2D2](GF)|E3cG3c F3cE3c|(3A2B2c2 (3G2f2e2 (3d2c2B2 (3[A2c2]G2F2| E3cG3c F3cE3c|edcB cE3 {E}[B,6D6] (GF)|E3cG3c F3cE3c|(3A2B2c2 (3G2g2f2 ec3c2|| f2|e3c dg3 c3c dcBA|GE3 {E}c3E D4- D3f|e3c G3c E3cG3c|(3A2B2c2 (3B2c2d2 ec3c3f| e3c dg3 c3c dcBA|GE3 {E}c3E D4- D3F|(3E2C2E2 (3G2E2G2 (3A2F2A2 (3c2B2A2|(3G2g2f2 (3e2d2c2 (3d2c2B2 (3[A2c2]G2F2||

COLONEL FORBES C.B. (Invernan). Scottish, Strathspey (whole time). C Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AB. General Sir John Forbes G.C.B. (1817-1906) was born in Aberdeenshire and had a distinguished military career, serving in India and Persia. He was a General in the service of the Honorable East Indian Company and saw action in the Sind and Afghanistan under Sir Charles Napier, 1843. In the Persian campaign of the next decade he was severely wounded. See also "Colonel Forbes of Inverernan's March."

Skinner also composed another tune for the family, honoring an ancestor, "Black Jock o' Skellater."

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Printed sources : - Skinnner (Miller o' Hirn Collection), 1881; No. 86, p. 45.

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