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Annotation:Country Gentlemen

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COUNTRY GENTLEMEN. AKA - "Couche-Couche Apres Bruler" (Couche-Couche is Burning), "Don't Get Married," "Jeunes Gens de la Compagne (1)." Cajun, Two-Step? USA, Louisiana. G Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). BB(Vocal)BBBB(Vocal)BBB(Vocal)BB. The alternate title is an old version of the tune. Couche-Couche derives from the Arabic word couscous, a concotion of salt, water and durum wheat semolina popular in France. Since wheat was not a Louisiana staple, cornmeal was substituted as the main ingredient (Francois, 1990). Related songs, identified by Raymond Francois (1990) are Jimmie Venable's "Jeunes Gens de la Compagne (2)," and Iry LeJeune's "Don't Get Married."

Source for notated version: Iry LeJeune (La.) [Francois].

Printed sources: Francois (Yé Yaille, Chère!), 1990; pp. 89-91.

Recorded sources: Goldband Records GB-LP7740, Iry LeJeune.

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