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Annotation:Duck Chewed Tobacco (The)

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Sheet Music for "The Duck Chewed Tobacco"The Duck Chewed Tobacco

DUCK CHEWED/CHEWS TOBACCO, THE. AKA and see "Red Haired Boy (The)," "Gilderoy (2)," "Little Beggarman," "Old Soldier with a Wooden Leg (2) (The)." American, Reel. USA, Virginia. A Mixolydian. A form of the tune "Gilderoy (2)."

Additional notes
Source for notated version : - James H. "Uncle Jim" Chisholm (Greenwood, Albermarle County, Virginia) [Wilkinson].

Printed sources : - Wilkinson, Southern Folklore Quarterly, VI, March, 1942; p. 8.

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