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Annotation:Dunstanburgh Castle

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X: 1 T:Dunstanburgh Castle S:Chevot Ranters M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/2=79 K: Amaj ||:(3EFG|"A"A2 AE AcBA|"A"F2 E2 E2 AB|"A"c2 cB cecA|"A"c2 B2"E7"B2 cB|! "A"A2 AE Acec|"D"dcde fgaf |"A"ecfe "E7"dBed|"A" c2 A2 A2:||! |:cd|"A"edcd eaed|"A"c2 e2 e2 cB|"A"ABcd e2 c2|"E7"B6 cB|! "A"ABcd e2fg|"D"agaf "A"e2fg|"A"agaf "E7"efed|"A"c2 A2 A2:||

DUNSTANBURGH CASTLE.    English, Reel (whole time). England, Northumberland.  A Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB. "Dunstanburgh Castle" was composed by Willy Miller, a founding member of the group the Cheviot Ranters (1953-1996), based in Alnwick, Northumberland. The group used the tune for the dance Corn Rigs.  "Roxburgh Castle" is a related tune. 

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Recorded sources : - Topic Records 12T214, Cheviot Ranters - "The Sound of the Cheviots" (1972). Stewart Hardy - "Hawthorn's Sweeter Shade"

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