Annotation:Farewell to Ducktown
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FAREWELL TO DUCKTOWN. AKA - "Farewell Ducktown." Old-Time, Breakdown. A southeastern Tennessee tune. It was also in the repertoire of fiddler Tommy Magness (1911-1972), born in north Georgia near the southeastern Tennessee border. Ducktown, Polk County, Tennessee, is in the Copperhill area where Tennessee, Georgia and North Carolina meet, a region notorious for the devastation of its strip-mines. The area was also home to fiddler Allen Sisson (1873-1951), who recorded the tune in the Edison studios in East Orange, N.J., in 1925. The tune has been called a version of "Flop Eared Mule (1)."
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Recorded sources: Edison (78 RPM), Allen Sisson (1925)
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