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Annotation:Father's Polka (1)

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Sheet Music for "Father's Polka [1]"Father's Polka [1]PolkaSource: Ned Pearson (1875-?)

FATHER'S POLKA [1]. English, Polka. G Major (Carlin): D Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AAB (Miller & Perron): AA'BB (Carlin). Recorded by Borders fiddler Ned Pearson.

Additional notes
Source for notated version : - Recorded in Cambo, Northumberland, 16th June 1954; BBC 20623 & Topic 12T283, as Father's Polka on both

Printed sources : - Carlin (Master Collection of Dance Music for the Violin), 1984; No. 10, p. 19. Miller & Perron (101 Polkas), 1978; No. 97.

Recorded sources : - Topic 12TS382, New Victory Band - "One More Dance and Then" (1978. Learned from Border fiddler Ned Pearson). The Posh Band - "English" (2011). X-Tradition TMM1927CD (As "My Father's Polka - from Ned Pearson")

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