Annotation:Finale (1) (La)
X:1 T:Finale [1], La M:2/4 L:1/8 R:Quadrille N:Last section of Wilson's “1st Set of Quadrilles” N:See also Nannette, Jacintha, La Sibylle, La Coquette N:"The first strain played once before the dance commences" B:Thomas Wilson - A Companion to the Ball Room (1816, p. 184) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:G d/B/d/B/ GG|BG D2|dd/e/ cc/d/|BB/c/ AB/c/| d/B/d/B/ GG |B>G D2|d/e/f/g/ f/e/d/c/|BA G2:|!Fine! F/A/d/A/ G/B/d/B/|F/A/d/A/ G/B/d/B/|A/B/^c/d/ c/B/A/G/|FE D2| a/f/a/f/ dd|fd A2|a/b/^c'/d'/ c'/b/a/g/|fe d2|| c/A/c/A/ cc|B/c/d/B/ GA/B/|c/A/c/A/ cc|B/c/d/B/ G2| _bbag|f/g/a/f/ d/e/f/d/|_bbag|f/g/a/f/ d2||!D.C. Senza replica!
FINALE [1], LA. English, Quadrille (2/4 time). G Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABC. This is the finale figure to London dancing master and musician Thomas Wilson's "1st Set of Quadrilles", which also includes "Nannette," "Jacintha," Sibylle (La), and "Coquette (La)."

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