T:Flyin' Clouds [2]
S:Posey Rorer (1891-1936, Franklin County, western Va.)
D:Columbia 15106-D, North Carolina Ramblers (1926)
Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz
Bc|dcBc dcBB|dBdB gage|cBcd +slide+[e2e2][ee][ee]|agfe d2Bc|
dcBc dcBB|dBdB ([Bg]a)[Bg][Bg]|cBcd edBA|GDBA G2:|
[A2A2][AA][AA] [FA][DA][FA]G|Adde fedd|efef- gfed|agfg fedB|
AGFE DEFG|ABAA def2|afge BAc2|dffe d2cB|
A2FE DEFG|ABAA def2|afgf efed|afgf edcB|
AGFE DEFG|ABAA def2|afge BAc2|dffe d2||
FLYING CLOUDS [2]. AKA - "Flying Cloud Cotillion." American, Reel (cut time). USA, North Carolina. G Major ('A' part) & D Major ('B' part) {sounds in 'F' on the Rambler's recording as the fiddle was either tuned down and played in the positions of keys of G and D, or the recording speed was off). The North Carolina Ramblers lineup for this recording was fiddler Posey Rorer (1891-1936, from southwestern Virginia), Rorer's brother-in-law Charlie Poole on banjo, and Roy Harvey on guitar. Rorer was with the band from 1925 to 1928, when he left after a dispute about royalties, and was replaced by fiddler Lonnie Austin. Rorer played with other bands for several years, though none achieved the success of the North Carolina Ramblers, until he was forced by the Great Depression in 1936 to take a day job as a woodcutter fro the Works Progress Administration (WPA). He died in June of that year of a heart attack. Posey Rorer
"Flying Clouds (2)" is a different, unrelated, tune than Uncle Jimmy Thompson's ("Flying Clouds (1)").
Additional notes Source for notated version : - Ray Park [Garelick/Fiddler Magazine].
Printed sources : - Brody (Fiddler's Fakebook), 1983; p. 109. Stephen F. Davis (The Devil's Box), vol. 12, No. 3, Sept. 1978; p. 28. Fiddler Magazine, vol. 27, No. 3, Fall 2020; p. 37. Phillips (Traditional American Fiddle Tunes, vol. 1), 1994; p. 90. Songer (Portland Collection, vol. 1), 1995; p. 80.
Recorded sources : - Columbia 15106-D (78 RPM), 1926, Charlie Poole and the North Carolina Ramblers (Posey Rorer, fiddle). Kicking Mule 209, Bob Carlin- "Melodic Clawhammer Banjo." Old Homestead, Vern Williams & Ray Park - "Sounds from the Ozarks" (1974). Sierra Records SR 1982, Ray Park- "Fiddletown" (1982). Spruce and Maple Records SMM1012, Laurie Lewis & Kathy Kallick - "Laurie and Kathy Sing the Songs of Vern and Ray" (2014).
See also listing at : Jane Keefer's Folk Music Index: An Index to Recorded Sources [1]
Hear the North Carolina Ramblers 1926 recording at Slippery Hill [2] and youtube.com [3]