Annotation:General Leshley's March (2)
X:146 T:Leshly’s March. HA.145 T:Leslie’s March,aka. HA.145 M:6/4 L:1/8 Q:3/4=80 S:Henry Atkinson’s original MS,Hartburn,N’umberland,1694. O:England A:Hartburn,Northumberland N:Flat signs over f notes in line 5 bar one are strange, but possibly N:gives the N:player a feel of the way the tune turns at this point. NBr H:1/8 Z:vmp.Neil Brookes, Jan.2004 K:C e2c2c2e2G2G2|e2c2c2e2G2G2|efgfed f2A2A2|efgfed f2A2A2| e2c2c2e2G2G2|e2c2c2e2G2g2|”^=”e3dc2A2G2A2|cAcdec d4c2|| A2c2c2c4c2|A3GA2c4G2|E3DC2C2D2E2|E2D2C2″^=”D4C2| A2d2d2d3cd2|e3dc2d3cd2|e3dc2A2G2A2|cAcdec “^=”d4c2|| c2g2e2g2 efge|c2g2e2c4G2|_B2″^*”f2d2″^*”f2 de”^*”fd|B2f2d2″^=”B4G2| c2g2e2g2 efge|cBcdef g2G2g2|e3dc2A2G2A2|cAcdec “^=”d4c2|] W:Notes marked * have flat sign above them in MS.
GENERAL LESHLEY'S MARCH (2). AKA - "Leshly's March." English, March (6/4 time). C Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). The second part of the tune corresponds with the first part of "Leslie's March (1)." It was entered (as "Leshly's March") into the 1694/95 music manuscript of Northumbrian musician Henry Atkinson [1]. See note for "Leslie's March" for more information.