T:Gerddinen, Y
T:Rowan (The)
B:John Thomas music manuscript collection (Wales, 1752, p. 30)
N:There were no sharps or flats in the key signature, and it may be that
N:the tune is in A minor. Conversely, it may have been so well known to
N:Thomas that he bypassed writing the sharps in the signature.
F: https://viewer.library.wales/5130424#?xywh=455%2C-67%2C2361%2C1982&cv=63
N:Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru – The National Library of Wales
Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion
(A/B/c/d/)|e4 f4|edcB A2G2|{f}g4 f4|dcde f2d2|dcde f4|
fga2 A2B2|A8||{f}e2 dc d2 cB|c2BA B2d2|e4 {e}f4|
A2A2|G2G2 F2F2 |E6 Bc|e2 dc d2 cB|c2 BA c2d2|
e4 {e}f4|e2d2 cdef|g3a g2f2|efga g2e2|d3e f2d2|
dcde f2d2|edef g2e2|dcde f2 fg|a2A2 B4|A2 A6|]
GERDDINEN, Y (Rowan, The). Welsh, Air (whole time). The air, whose title it is hard for me to clearly read, is one of the approximately 25% of Welsh tunes contained in the large music manuscript collection of Welsh fiddler John Thomas, dated 1752. There were no sharps or flats in the key signature and either A minor or A major will work, although the major mode sounds slightly better.