GIGUE DU CORBEAU (The Raven's Jig). French-Canadian, Reel (cut time). D Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AAB. Isidore Soucy researcher Jean Duval finds that the first strain of the tune is similar to the 5th Set of the "Lancer's Quadrilles" (see Lancers Quadrilles Fifth Figure (1)
) by Lithuanian-born opera composer Feliks Yaniewicz [1] (1762-1949), published in Dublin in 1817[1]. Soucy recorded a slightly different version of the tune two years later, in 1938, under the title "Quadrille Yvette."
Additional notes
Printed sources : - Demers (1000 airs du Québec et de l'Amérique francophone), 2020; p. 93. Jean Duval (La Musique de Isidore Soucy 1899-1962), 2017; No. 184, p. 93.