Annotation:Gloucester Hornpipe (2)

Sheet Music for "Gloucestershire Hornpipe [1]"Gloucestershire Hornpipe [1]Gloucester Hornpipe [2]hp 32Trad. ed. Barry Callaghan (England)Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire= 1401212From the playing of George, father of Stephen Baldwin.Book: Hard Core English ISBN 978 085418 201 5Source: 'Hard Core English' page 17DTranscription: PJHeadford 2008

GLOUCESTER HORNPIPE [2]. AKA - "Gloucestershire Hornpipe." English, Hornpipe (whole time). A different tune than "Gloucester Hornpipe (1) (The)," "Gloucester Hornpipe [2]" was collected in 1910 by Cecil Sharp from fiddler Charles Baldwin (c. 1822-c. 1920), Stephen Baldwin's father (see note for "Gloucester Hornpipe [1]"). Sharp visited Baldwin, then aged 88 and residing in the Almshouse at Newent (9 miles from Gloucester in the Forest of Dean), and noted down five tunes from him, including "Polly Put the Kettle On" and several morris pieces. Baldwin had played for the morris dancers at Clifford's Mesne until around 1870 when the dancing stopped. For some reason, perhaps a miss-hearing of the local accent, Sharp had Charles's first name as George [c.f. Philip Heath-Coleman in notes to Musical Traditions MTCD334]. The melody is a version of "Nelson's Hornpipe (2)" notes Phillip Heath-Coleman [1], who also remarks the the Baldwin's, father and son, "seem to have used the name 'Gloucester Hornpipe' (amongst others) rather freely, and not always for the same tunes."

Additional notes

Printed sources : - Barber (Nick Barber's English Choice), 2002; No. 38, p. 20 (as "Gloucestershire Hornpipe"). Callaghan (Hardcore English), 2007; p. 17. Menteith & Burgess (The Coleford Jig: Traditional Tunes from Gloucestershire), .

Recorded sources : - DMPCD0203, Nick & Mary Barber with Huw Jones - "Bonnie Kate." Old Swan Band - "Still Swaning After All These Years."

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