Annotation:Haughs of Granbille (The)
X:1 T:Haughs of Granbille, The T:Oyster Wives Rant, The M:C| L:1/8 R:Hornpipe B:Elias Howe – Musician’s Omnibus Nos. 6 & 7 (Boston, 1880-1882, p. 647) B: Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Ador B|e2 (ed) eAAB|d>edB GABd|e2 (ed) efge|dBgB A/A/A A:| |:B|edef g2 Tfe|d>edB d>edB|edef g>aTge|dBgB A/A/A A:|]
HAUGHS OF GRANBILLE, THE. AKA and see "Oyster Wives Rant (The)." Scottish, English; Hornpipe (cut time). A Dorian. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB. Boston music publisher Elias Howe's "Haughs of Granbille" (which he classifies as a hornpipe) is, musically, an exact copy of the old Scottish and Northumbrian reel "Oyster Wives Rant (The)." However Howe's title is a variant of another member of the larger tune family, "Haughs of Cromdale (The)," to which Howe's "Haughs of Granbille" is a cognate melody, but differs musically in some ways.