Annotation:House of Glenarkeen (The)

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X:1 T:House of Glenarkeen, The M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Jig S:Rev. James Goodman music manuscript collection (vol. 2, p. 161) N:Canon Goodman was a uilleann piper and cleric who collected primarily N:in County Cork in the mid-19th century F: F:at Trinity College Dublin / Irish Traditional Music Archive Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Ador g|eAA ABd|ede g2e|dBG GAG|Bdd d2g| eAA ABd|ede g2e|dBg dBG|ABA A2:| |:e|aba age|gab b2a|gag gdB|gag g2e| aba age|gab b2a|geg dBG|ABA A2:|]

HOUSE OF GLENARKEEN, THE. AKA and see "House of Clonelphin (The)," "Glanmorgan House," "Hills of Glenorchy (1)." Irish, Jig (6/8 time). A Dorian. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB. The tune is contained in vol. 2 (p. 161) of the large mid-19th century music manuscript collection of County Cork cleric and uilleann piper wikipedia:James_Goodman_(musicologist). Goodman manuscript researchers Hugh and Lisa Shieldsfind cognate melodies in Goodman's own "House of Clonelphin (The)" and "Glanmorgan House," and in "Hills of Glenorchy (1)/Glenurchie]]" printed by Gow and Davidson (Gems of Scottish Melody, c. 1830's, p. 79)[1].

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