Annotation:Humors of Panteen (The)

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X:1 T:Humours of Panteen, The O:Irish M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Jig B:John Bowie – “Collection of strathspey reels & country dances &c.” B:(Edinburgh, c. 1789, p. 31) F: Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Ddor V:1 (D/E/^FD) G2B|AGE G2E|(D/E/^FD) G2B|AGE cGE|(D/E/^FD) G2B|AGE G2c|(B/c/d)B c2A|AGE EDC:| |:d2e g2e|age g2e|d2e g2e|age TedB|d2e g2e|(ag)e g2c|(B/c/d)B c2A|AGE TEDC::(B/c/d)B c2A| BAG c2A|(B/c/d)B c2A|AGE TEDC|(B/c/d)B c2A|BAG c2A|(GAB) c2A|TAGE EDC:| V:2 clef = bass z2z B,,2G,,|C,3 ^C,3|D,2C, B,,2G,,|C,3 C,,3|z2z B,,2G,,|C,3 E,2C,|G,2F, E,2F,|G,3C,3:| C,6-| C,6-| C,6-|C,3 G,,3|C,6|C,3 E,2C,|G,2F, E,2F,|G,3 C,3::C,6-| C,6-| C,6-|C,3C,,3|G,2F, E,2^F,|G,2F, E,2F,|E,2D, E,2F,|G,3 C,3:|]

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