T: Níl Aon Airgead agam
T:I Have No Money
S: Séamus Ennis
FAdB A3G|(3FGA dA FEEG|FAdB A2 Af|afeg fedB|
FAdB ABAG|FAdA FEEG|FAdB Af|afeg fedf||
Afef dcdf|afeg fb b2|afef dcdB|ABAG FADf|
Afef dcdf|afeg fb b2|af (3gfe fdBd|A2 AG (3FGA D2||
(3FGA dB A3G|(3FGA DA FEEG|(3FGA dB A2f|afeg fedA|
(3FGA dB A3G|(3FGA dB FEEG|FAdB A3f|afeg fedf||
afef dcdf|afeg fb b2|afef dcdB|ABAG FDDf|
afef dcdf|afeg fb b2|afge fdBd|A2 AG FA D2||
I HAVE NO MONEY ("Níl aen airgiod agam," or "Táim gan airgead"). AKA and see "Miss Hamilton (2)." Irish, Reel. C Major (O'Neill): D Major (Breathnach). Standard tuning (fiddle). AB (O'Neill/1850 & 1001): ABB' (O'Neill/Krassen). “Quinn’s Reel (2)” is a related tune.
Additional notes Source for notated version : - whistle player Mick Crehan, 1971 (Co's. Clare and Kildare, Ireland) [Breathnach/CRÉ 2]; from the playing of piper Séamus Ennis (Dublin), who learned them from his father, a piper taught by Nicholas Markey who in turn had been taught by the renowned piper and pipemaker Billy Taylor of Drogheda and later Philadelphia [Breathnach/Ceol].
Printed sources : - Breathnach, Ceol: A Journal of Irish Music, vol. 5, no. 2, 1982; p. 54 (as "Níl Aon Airgead Agam").
Breathnach (The Man and His Music), 1997; No. 8, p. 74. Breathnach (Ceol Rince na hÉireann vol. 2), 1976; No. 137 [1], p. 74. O'Neill (Krassen), 1976; p. 124. O'Neill (Music of Ireland: 1850 Melodies), 1903; No. 1356, p. 253. O'Neill (Dance Music of Ireland: 1001 Gems), 1907; No. 610, p. 111.
Recorded sources : - Cló Iar-Chonnachta CICD 148, Mick Conneely – “Selkie” (2001).
Globestyle Irish CDORBD 085, Jackie Daly – “The Rushy Mountain” (1994. Reissue of Topic recordings).
Green Linnet GLCD 1119, Cherish the Ladies – "The Back Door" (1992. Learned from Chicago fiddler Liz Carroll).
Green Linnet GLCD 1187, Cherish the Ladies – “One and All: the best of Cherish the Ladies” (1998).
See also listing at : Jane Keefer’s Folk Music Index: An Index to Recorded Sources [1]
Alan Ng’s Irishtune.info [2]