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Annotation:Jackson's Coggie

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X:0 T:Jackson's Coge in the Morning M:6/8 L:1/8 S:O'Farrell's Pocket Companion Z:Paul Kinder K:Amin V:1 clef=treble name="0." [V:1] A|:E2 A A2 B|c2 A BGE|GAG AGE|G2 B GED| E2 A A2 c|BAG Bcd|ege dBG|A3 A3:| |:e2 a a2 b|c'2 g age|g2 d g2 a|b2 a ged| e2 a abc'|bag a2 e|g^fe dBG|A3 A3:||

JACKSON'S COGGIE/COGE (IN THE MORNING). AKA - "Jackson's Lodge in the Morning." AKA and see "Bantry Bay Jig," "Humors of Ballinafauna (The)," "My Former Wife." Irish, Single Jig (6/8 time). A Minor (O'Farrell, O'Neill): E Minor (Miller): G Minor (Hall, Kennedy). Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB (most versions): AABBCC (Hall). The tune bears the name of the 18th century gentleman piper Walker 'Piper' Jackson, of the townland of Lisdaun, parish of Ballingarry, Aughrim, County Limerick. It appears in O'Farrell's Pocket Companion for the Irish or Union Pipes (vol. I, 14) published c. 1805, and was entered into the 1841-42 music manuscript collection of Dublin dentist and collector Henry Hudson (1798-1889). County Cork Church of Ireland cleric and uilleann piper James Goodman included it in his section of Jackson tunes in vol. 4 (p. 5) of his large mid-19th century music manuscript collection, balancing it with the slip jig "Jackson's Cogue in the Evening."

19th century Scottish coggie, a drinking vessel.
See also the related single jig "Humors of Ballinafauna (The)." Levey (1858) gives the tune as "Humors of Mullin-a-fauna (2)." Breathnach (1996) finds the names "Morning Dew (The)" and "Jackson's Maria" for the melody from county Westmeath and Cavan, respectively (the first of his name usually is applied to other tunes).

Coggie is the name for a small barrel or drinking vessel.

Additional notes
Source for notated version : - copied from O'Farrell's Pocket Companion [O'Neill].

Printed sources : - John Hall (A Selection of Strathspeys Reels, Waltzes & Irish Jigs), c. 1818; p. 16. Kennedy (Traditional Dance Music of Britain and Ireland: Jigs & Quicksteps, Trips & Humours), 1997; No. 83, p. 21 (appears as "Jackson's Lodge in the Morning"). Miller (Fiddler's Throne), 2004; No. 62, p. 47 (appears as "Jackson's Lodge in the Morning"). O'Farrell (Pocket Companion), c. 1805; p. 14. O'Neill (Waifs and Strays of Gaelic Melody), 1922; No. 153.

See also listing at :
Alan Ng's Irishtune.info [1]

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