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X:1 T:Jackson's Pipes [1] M:C L:1/8 R:Hornpipe S:James Goodman (1828─1896) music manuscript collection, S:vol. 3, p. 89. Mid-19th century, County Cork F:http://goodman.itma.ie/volume-three#?c=0&m=0&s=0&cv=92&z=-5155.8953%2C0%2C18487.7906%2C6432 F:at Trinity College Dublin / Irish Traditional Music Archive goodman.itma.ie Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G Bd|e2 ef gfed|e2A2A2 Bd|egfa gfed|B2G2G2 Bd| e2 ef gfed|egfa g2d2|egfa gfed|B2G2G2:| z2|:BA Bd g2z2|agfa g2d2|e2 ef gfed|e2A2A2z2| BA Bd g2z2|agfa g2d2|egfa gfed|B2G2G2z2:| |:Bd|eAAA eAAA|eAAA A2 Bd|eAAA efge|dcBA G2z2| eAAA eAAA|egfa g2d2|egfa gfed|B2G2G2:| z2|:gbag gbag|g2e2e2z2|gbag gbag|f2d2d2z2| gbag gbag|edef g2d2|egfa gfed|B2G2G2z2:|

JACKSON'S PIPES [1]. AKA - "Jackson's Piper." Irish, Hornpipe. G Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABBCCDD. The tune, bearing the name of the 18th century gentleman uilleann piper biography:Walker 'Piper' Jackson, of the townland of Lisdaun, parish of Ballingarry, Aughrim, County Limerick, appears as "Jackson's Piper" in Levey's 1873 collection. It also appears in Church of Ireland cleric James Goodman's mid-19th century music manuscripts. Goodman (1828-1896) was himself an uilleann piper and an Irish speaker who collected locally in County Cork and elsewhere in Munster. He also obtained tunes from manuscripts and printed collections.

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Printed sources : - Goodman, vol. 3; p. 89. Hugh Shields (Tunes of the Munster Pipers vol. 1), 1998; No. 413, p. 163. Levey (Dance Music of Ireland, 2nd Collection), 1873; No. 96, p. 43.

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