JACKSON'S REEL [1]. AKA - "Jackson's Favourite," "Jackson's No. 1," "Johnson's Reel (2)." Irish, Reel. E Dorian (Em). Standard tuning (fiddle). AAB (Taylor): AABB' (Brody, Mulvihill). David Taylor (1992) suggests this tune also may have been composed by the 18th century Uilleann piper Walter "Piper" Jackson, however, there have been many tunes with the name Jackson in the title that have been rather routinely attributed to the historical piper, albeit with little or no evidence. The tune was popularized by County Sligo/New York fiddler Michael Coleman, who recorded it as the first tune in his medley "Jackson's Reels." See also the similar "Johnson's Reel (2)."
Additional notes
Source for notated version: - Jean Carignan (Montreal, Canada) [Brody].
Printed sources : - Breathnach (CRÉ 1), 1965; No. 201. Brody (Fiddler's Fakebook), 1983; p. 142. Mulvihill (1st Collection), 1986; No. 146, p. 40. Taylor (Crossroads Dance), 1992; No. 6, p. 7.
Recorded sources: -Cló Iar-Chonnachta CICD 173, Brian Conway - "Consider the Source" (2008. Appears as "Jackson's No. 1"). Philo 2001, "Jean Carignan" (first tune of "Jackson's Medley). Shanachie 33002, Michael Coleman- "The Legacy of Michael Coleman" (first tune of "Jackson's Medley," first recorded in 1925 for Columbia). Shanachie 29002, "Kathleen Collins." Shaskeen - "The Mouse Behind the Dresser."
See also listings at:
Jane Keefer's Folk Music Index: An Index to Recorded Sources [1]
Alan Ng's Irishtune.info [2]