Annotation:Johnson's Jig Cotillion
X:1 T:Johnson’s Jig Cotillion M:2/4 L:1/8 N:”Johnson’s Jig Cotillion.” Q:"Vivace" B:Francis Johnson – “A Collection of New Cotillions” (Phila., 1818, No. 6) B: Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:C G/F/|E/>G/c/>d/ e(d/>^c/)|(d/>A/)~A d/>A/d/>c/|B/>G/B/>d/ g/>a/g/>f/|e/>f/d>e/ c/>A/G/>F/| E/>G/c/>d/ e(d/>^c/)|(d/>A/)~A d/>A/d/>c/|B/>G/B/>d/ g/>a/g/>f/|e/>f/d/>e/ c|| e/f/|g/>b/a/>g/ f/>^c/d/>e/|f/>a/g/>f/ e/>B/c/>_B/|A/>^c/d/>e/ f/>g/a/>g/|f/>e/d/>c/ B/>A/G/>F/| E/>F/c/>d/ e(d/>^c/)|(d/>A/)~A d/>A/d/>c/|B/>G/B/>d/ g/>a/g/>f/ e/>f/d>/e/ c||
JOHNSON'S JIG COTILLION. American, Cotillion (2/4 time). C Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AB. "Johnson's Jig Cotillion" is the first figure in Philadelphia, Pa., composer, keyed bugle player, and violinist wikipedia:Francis_Johnson_(composer)'s (1792-1844) set also called "Johnson's Jig Cotillion", a seven-figure set of cotillions published in Philadelphia in 1818 by George Willig. Johnson led a fashionable all-Black orchestra that toured the United States and Europe, and he directed military bands and society dance orchestras, taught music, and performed on the violin and keyed bugle.