JOLLY ROBIN. AKA and see "Lovely Robbie," "Sleepy Maggy/Sleepy Maggie." Scottish, Reel (cut time). B Minor. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABBCCDDEEFFGGHHIIJJ. The reel "Jolly Robin" is contained (with variation sets) in the Drummond Castle Manuscript, Part 2 (1734, No. 17), in the possession of the Earl of Ancaster at Drummond Castle and inscribed "A Collection of the best Highland Reels written by David Young, W.M. & Accomptant." The ms. is sometimes called The Duke of Perth Manuscript from its dedicatee. Young also entered the tune into a subsequent manuscript collection, The MacFarlane Collection (c. 1740, No. 27, p. 54), although under the title "Sleepy Maggie," by which it is much better known in modern times. It also appears as "Sleepy Maggie" in the James Knox Manuscript (c. 1749-1764).