T:Kate's got the Bellyache
N:From the playing of A.J. Johnson (Annville, Jackson County, Kentucky), recorded
N:in the field in 1975 by Bruce Greene.
Q:"Moderately Quick" (slower than a reel)
Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz
[Ae]-|[Ae]B c2[A4e4]|([Ae]f)a2 g3f |e2 f-e +slide+c-B A2|E2 E-F G-F E2|
[M:5/4]E2 E-F G-F E2 D2|[M:C|] E2+slide+[A2A2] [A3A3][Ae]-|[Ae]B c-B A2A2| E2 E-F G-F E2|
[M:5/4]E2 E-F G-F E2D2 |[M:C|]E2 +slide+[A2A2] [A3A3]||
KATE'S GOT THE BELLYACHE. AKA and see "Jake's Got a Bellyache." American, Reel (cut time). USA, Kentucky. A Mixolydian. ADae or standard tuning (fiddle). AAB (Titon): One part (Milliner & Koken). Jeff Titon (2001) identifies this tune's provenance as south-eastern Kentucky, exclusively. Also played with parts reversed (see Edden Hammon's "Jake's Got a Bellyache").
Additional notes
Printed sources : - Milliner & Koken (Milliner-Koken Collection of American Fiddle Tunes), 2011; p. 355. Titon (Old-Time Kentucky Fiddle Tunes), 2001; No. 80, p. 108.
See also listing at : Hear Bruce Greene's 1975 field recording of fiddler A.J. Johnson playing "Kate's Got the Bellyache" at Berea Digital Content [1] and Slippery Hill [2]