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Annotation:Lady Worsley's Fancy

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Sheet Music for "Lady Worsleys Fancy"Lady Worsleys Fancy Hey contrary sides .|. then on your own sides :|. hands 6 round .|: lead thro' the 3d Cu & cast up lead thro' the 2d Cu. and cast off :|:Book: Chas & Sam Thompson "Twenty Four Country Dances for the Year 1779", London 1779, p.82 #2Transcription: 2014 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu> (added dance description)

LADY WORSLEY'S FANCY. AKA - "Lady Wrottesley's Fancy." English, Country Dance Tune (2/4 time). A Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB. The tune was entered (as "Lady Wrottesley's Fancy") in the mid-19th century music manuscript of William Winter (1774-1861), a shoemaker and violin player who lived in West Bagborough in Somerset, southwest England. Musician Jeremiah Brown, of Seabrook, N.H., entered it into his c. 1782 music copybook as "Lady Wrottisly's Fancy."

Additional notes

Printed sources : - Longman & Broderip (Longman and Broderip's Compleat Collection of 200 Favorite Country Dances), London, 1781; p. 2 (as "Lady Wrottesley's Fancy). Norris & Sawyer (The Village Fifer), 1808, Salem, Mass.; p. 70. Charles & Samuel Thompson (Twenty Four Country Dances for the Year 1779), London 1779; p. 82. Geoff Woolfe (William Winter’s Quantocks Tune Book), 2007; No. 289, p. 105 (as "Lady Wrottesley's Fancy." Ms. originally dated 1850).

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