T:Les Lanciers.2voices. RHu.106
T:Julia,A Quadrille,aka. RHu.106
B:R.Hughes MS,1823,Whitchurch,Shrops.
N:written across double page. Labelled No5.
N:The first 6 bars in V2 is written as a
N:semibreve (with a cr rest over it) followed by 3 crotchets,
N:suggesting a piano
N:accompaniment where first note of each bar is held.
A:Whitchurch , Shropshire
Z:Neil Brookes 2006
[V:1]|:g>^fg>a g>=fe>d|c2c2 c>Bc>d|e2e2e>de>f|d2d2d>ef>^f|
[V:2 clef = bass]|:C,2"see notes"G,2G,2G,2|C,2G,2G,2G,2|C,2G,2G,2G,2|G,,2F,2F,2F,2|
[V:1]g>^fg>a g>=fe>d|c2c2 c>Bc>d|e2e2 d>cd>e|1c2c2c>de>f:||2c2z2z2||
[V:2]C,2G,2G,2G,2|C,2G,2G,2G,2|E,2G,2D,2G,2|1E,2G,2E,2G,2:||G,2 z2z2||
[V:1]B2|c>Bc>d e3c|c>Bd>B G2A>B|c>Bc>d e>de>c|c>Bd>BG2z2|
[V:2]z2|G,z G,z G,z G,z|G,2G,2G,4|G,z G,z G,z G,z|G,2G,2G,4|
[V:1]g>fe>f g>ab>c'|g>fe>f g>ab>c'|g3e d>cd>e|c2c'2c2|]
[V:2]E,G,E,G, C,G,E,G,|C,G,E,G, C,G,E,G,|C,G,E,G, G,,G,D,G,|C,G,E,G,C,2|]
LANCERS QUADRILLES FIFTH FIGURE [1]. English, Quadrille Part (cut time). A Major (Köhlers). Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB'. The tune was entered (as "Lancers Quadrille" with no identifying figure) in the mid-19th century music manuscript of William Winter[1] (1774-1861), a shoemaker and violin player who lived in West Bagborough in Somerset, southwest England. It can also be found as "Les Lanciers No. 5" in Robert Hughes music manuscript collection (1823, Whitchurch, Shropshire). Hughes' title refers to one of the classic quadrille figures in the lancers set devised and popularized by London dancing master John Duval: La Dorset, Lodoiska, La Native, Les Graces and Les Lanciers.
Additional notes
Printed sources : - Laybourn (Köhlers' Violin Repository Book One) 1881; pp. 24-25. Geoff Woolfe (William Winter’s Quantocks Tune Book), 2007; No. 251, p. 94 (ms. originally dated 1850).
See also listing at : For more information read Paul Cooper's excellent research article on "The Lancers Quadrilles" at regencydances.com [2]