Annotation:Lass Beneath the Blanket (The)

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X:1 T:Lass beneath the Blanket, The T:Braes of Tullachnassa, The S:Rev. Luke Donnellan music manuscript collection (late 19th/early 20th century, S:Oriel, Ulster, No. 32) M:C| L:1/8 K:Gdor Addc defd|AFcF dFcF|Addc d2 de|fdcA G2 Gc| Addc defd|AFcF dFcF|Addc d2 de|fdcA G2 Gf|| gfga gdde|fcfg fccf|gfga gdde|fdcA G2 G2| gfga gdde|fcfg fcce|fede fgag|fdcA G2 G2||

LASS BENEATH THE BLANKET, THE. AKA - "Braes of Tullachnassa (The)," "Molly Bawn's (2)." Irish, Reel (cut time). G Dorian. Standard tuning (fiddle). AB. The key signature in Rev. Luke Donnellan's ms. collection was 'G', however, Donnellan researcher Gerry O'Connor set the tune in the key of 'F', the resting tonality of the second measure. The tune rests on 'G' at the end of the phrase, and begins on a D minor chord, so the tonality is somewhat obscure.

Additional notes
Source for notated version : - Rev. Luke Donnellan music manuscript collection[1] (late 19th/early 20th century, Oriel, Ulster) [O'Connor].

Printed sources : - O'Connor (The Rose in the Gap), 2018; No. 32, p. 39.

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  1. Donnellan researcher Gerry O'Connor came to believe the ms. is not the work of the curate but rather was originally compiled by a unknown but able fiddler over the course of a playing lifetime, probably in the late 19th century. The ms. later came into the possession of Donnellan, who was also a fiddler.