Annotation:Lousy Cutter (The)

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LOUSY CUTTER, THE. AKA and see "Wedding O' Blyth," "Blue's Gaen Oot O' the Fashion." English, Slip Jig and Air. England, Northumberland. G Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AAB. "One of the most popular press-gang songs" (Stokoe).

O the lousy cutter, They've ta'en by laddie frae me,
They pressed him far away foreign, Wi' Nelson ayont the salt sea.
They always come in the night, They never come in the day,
They always come in the night, And steal the laddies away. .... (Bruce & Stokoe)

Source for notated version:

Printed sources: Bruce & Stokoe (Northumbrian Minstrelsy), 1882; p. 163.

Recorded sources:

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