T:Merle, Le
T:Blackbird, The
B:J.A. Boucher – “Le Repertoire du Violoneux” (1933, No. 20, p. 13)
B:“Le Repertoire du Violoneux” (Nouvelle édition 2018 par Jean Duval) [1]
c3 z=Bd|c3 zfg|a2b c'2f|d'2c' c3|a3 agb|a2g feg|
[M:9/8]fed c=Bc ^cde|f3 f3:||:[M:6/8]a3 a3|a3 zba|aeg fed|^c3 A3|
"vibrato"=c'3 c'3|c'3 z=b/c'/|d'2g b2e|1 f3 f2z:|2 f3 f2|||:F|F2B def|
g3 zeg|f3 zcd|B3 zAG|FBc def|a3 zgf|eAc Bdf|bfd B2:|
MERLE, LE (The Blackbird). French-Canadian, Jig (6/8 time). F Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABBCC. Jean Duval considers that this tune may have been the vehicle for a quadrille figure.
Additional notes
Printed sources : - J.A. Boucher (Le Repertoire du Violoneux), 1933; No. 20, p. 13.
See also listing at : Jean Duval's 2018 edition of Boucher's 1933 Le Répertoire du Violoneux[2].