Annotation:Mid Lothian
X:1 T:Mid Lothian M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel B:Campbell - 10th Book of New and Favorite Country Dances (1795; p. 9) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:D B|ADFA GBEG|FDAF EB,B,B|ADFA GBEG|FAEG F(DD)B| ADFA GBEB|FDAF EB,B,G|FAd=c BGed|^cAag fdd|| f/g/|afdf gbeg|afed cecA|(a/g/f/e/) fd gbeg|faeg (fddg)| (a/g/f/e/) fd gbeg|fafd cecA|BdAd GdFd|EBTA>G FDD||
MID LOTHIAN. Scottish, Reel (cut time). D Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AB.