Annotation:Miss Garrick's Allemande
MISS GARRICK'S ALLEMANDE. English, Country Dance Tune (2/4 time). C Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABBCCDDEEFF. 'Miss Garrick' was possibly a niece of actor and playwright David Garrick. Garrick and his wife had no children of their own, however, his only brother George had two girls, Arabella and Catherine (Kitty). They were frequently in the company of their aunt and uncle, and were much admired; one contemporary, a Miss Hawkins, who lived near them when in the country, recorded that she was ‘‘ duly jealous of their re-echoed praises.” Norwich Historical Dance site explains:
[The Garricks] took a lively interest in their colleagues’ children. When Colman’s three-year-old son visited them in 1766 Garrick wrote: ‘He is to make love to my niece Kitty and a plumb pudding.’ Arabella, Catherine and their three brothers, children of Garrick’s brother George, were treated by their uncle as his own. He sent his nephews to Eton and gave his nieces a fashionable education. In 1771 Fanny Burney described Arabella as ‘modest, reserved, quiet’, while the beauty, Catherine, was ‘all animation, spirit and openness’. In 1773 the sisters, aged 20 and 17, were sent to a select Paris boarding school run by Mme Descombes in the Faubourg St Honoré, where ‘finishing’ threatened to turn into one of Uncle David’s comedies. Arabella was pursued by an officer of dragoons. Clandestine letters were intercepted by Mme Descombes and sent to Garrick who ordered his nieces home in June 1775.The dragoon continued his postal pursuit of Arabella, who kept him dangling until 1778 when she married Captain Frederick Schaw late of the 60th Regiment of Foot. Arabella died in 1819. Catherine married a Mr Payne, but her marriage and death dates are unknown.[1]