MISS JANE MACINNES--DANDALEITH [1]. Scottish (originally), Canadian; Reel. Canada, Cape Breton. D Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AAB. Composed by William Marshall v (1748-1833). Miss Jane was a perhaps a Marshall grandchild, as his daughter married a Mr. John MacInnes.
Additional notes
Printed sources : - Cranford (Jerry Holland: The Second Collection), 2000; No. 129, p. 49. Köhler’s Violin Repository, Book One, 1881; p. 78. MacDonald (The Skye Collection), 1887; p. 68. Marshall, Fiddlecase Edition, 1978; 1822 Collection, p. 30.
Recorded sources : - Smithsonian Folkways SFW40491, Kinnon & Betty Beaton - "The Heart of Cape Breton" (2002, various artists).
See also listing at : Alan Snyder’s Cape Breton Fiddle Recording Index [1]