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Annotation:Morning Star (3) (The)

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X:1 T:Morning Star [3] M:3/4 L:1/8 B:Joyce - Old Irish Folk Music and Songs (1909, No. 753) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:G GB/d/|g2g2f2|e4 Bc/d/|B2A2B2|A2G2G2|G4 zc| B2A2Bd|g2g2 fg|a4 gf|e2d2B2|B4 zc| B2A2 Bd|g2g2 fg|a4 gf|ed B2B2|A4 (3GBd| g2g2f2|e4 Bc/d/|B2A2B2|A2G2G2|G4||

MORNING STAR [3], THE (Reult na Maidne). Irish, Air (3/4 time). G Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). One part. "There are other airs with this name," notes P.W. Joyce (1909).

Additional notes

Source for notated version: - "...copied from a MS. collection lent to [Irish collector] Mr. [John Edward] Pigot (1822–1871) by James Hardiman, the historian of Galway and editor of Hardiman's Irish Minstrelsy" (Joyce).

Printed sources : - Joyce (Old Irish Folk Music and Song), 1909; No. 753, p. 372.

Recorded sources: -

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