T:Natchez under the Hill [3]
N:from the playing of Burrell Reed (originally from southwest
N:Oklahoma), recorded in Oklahoma City, 1973, by Chris Delaney.
Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz
[A,2E2]-|[A,2E2] AE FECB,|A,CEG FG A2|(c[e2e2])[ef] [e3e3]B-|cecA BAFD|
E2 AE FECB,|A,2A,-C (F[A3A3])|ce2f ecAB|cABc A3F-|
E2 AE FECB,|A,2 A,-C E2 A2|(c-[ee])[ee][ee] [e2e2][ee]A|cecA BAFD|
[EA]FAE FECB,|A,CEG (F[AA])[A2A2]| ce2f ecAB|cABc A4||
ce2f e2fe|ceef e3[Be]-|[ce]cef a2fe|B-cef ecAc|
efae fece|afec BA F2|EFAc BAFA|(E[A2A2])B A4|
(c[ee])[ee][ef] [e2e2][ee]A|(c[ee])[ee][ef] [e2e2]af|ecea fgaf|ecef e2[ce]d|
eceg agef|e-fe(d cB)AB|c-BAc BAFA|(E[A2A2])B A2||
NATCHEZ UNDER THE HILL [3]. American, Reel. A Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AB (Silberberg): AABB (Phillips). Another variant of "Natchez Under the Hill (1)," this time showing more blues influences with a smoother, more modern, bowing style.
Additional notes Source for notated version : - John Hartford [Phillips]; Floyd Engstrom [Silberberg].
Printed sources : - Phillips (Traditional American Fiddle Tunes vol. 1), 1994; p. 163. Silberberg (Tunes I Learned at Tractor Tavern), 2002; p. 105.\
Recorded sources : - Rounder CD 0392, John Hartford - "Wild Hog in the Red Brush and a Bunch of Others You Might Not Have Heard" (1996. Learned from Texas fiddler Benny Thomasson "one night in Dallas at a birthday party").
See also listing at : Hear fiddler Vi Wickham's version on youtube.com [1]
See the transcription/mp3 of Lewis Thomasson's version at Austin Rogers' Dr. Fiddle site [2]
Hear Burrell Reed's field recording at Slippery Hill [3]