Annotation:North Hunt (The)
X:1 T:North Hunt, The M:C L:1/16 R:Strathspey B:Stewart-Robertson - The Athole Collection (1884) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:G g2|dB3 d3B c3AF3D|dG3 d3B Gg3db3|g3c Be3 EA3FD3|EE3 D3F G4G2,:| g2|dB3 g3B Aa3 a3f|dB3 g3B dg3Bg3|dB3 g3B Aa3 a3f|(3d2g2b2 (3a2g2f2 ~g4 g2e2| dB3 g3B c3A FD3|B,2DG Gd3 Bg3db3|g3c Be3 EA3FD3|E3ED3F G4G,2|]
NORTH HUNT {MEDLEY}, THE (An t-Sealg). AKA and see "Northern Meeting (The)." Scottish, Strathspey. G Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AAB. This tune and "Rendezvous (The)" "form a medley, complimentary to the Northern Meeting, which becomes, in every month of October, the rendezvous of all the beauty and fashion in the north of Scotland" (Fraser). The tune is likely written by Capt. biography:Simon Fraser.