Annotation:Parting Glass (2) (The)
PARTING GLASS [2], THE. AKA and see "Sweet Cootehill Town." Scottish, Irish; Air (2/4 time) or March. E Minor. Standard tuning (fiddle). AB. The song “The Parting Glass” was popularized in the 1960’s by Irish balladeer Tommy Makem, although as both a discrete tune and a descendant of (Scottish) airs, it appears to have been considerably older. Scottish antecedents can be traced to the Skene Manuscript of the early 17th century. Song versions have been printed on songsheets and can be found in the Bodleian Library. The version in abc notation below is a march-time setting. The American shape-note hymns “Clamanda,” printed in The Sacred Harp and other shape-note hymnals, and “Social Band” in Southern Harmony, are both similar in parts. “Clamanda,” (see notation) is printed in Jackson’s Spiritual Folk-Songs of Early America (1953), wherein he states that the English folk-song “Just as the Tide was Flowing” has an almost identical tune, as does an Christmas carol beginning “Come all ye faithful Christians, That dwell within this land…”
The melody is shared with the song "Sweet Cootehill Town."