Annotation:Piobaire a’ Cheidigh (An)
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PIOBAIRE A’ CHEIDIGH, AN. AKA and see “Bonny Bunch of Ferns (The),” “Keady Piper,” “Máire Bhan's Wedding Reel,” “Piper of Keadue (The).” Irish, Reel. Ireland, County Donegal. G Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AA’BB. A favorite of the famous Donegal piper Tarlach Mac Suibhne (c. 1831-1916), who was born in Donegal and buried in Machaire Gáthlan. He attracted international popularity when in 1893 he went to play at the Columbian World Exhibition in Chicago and won the world championship in piping. "Piobaire a' Cheidigh/Piper of Keadue" is a version of “Doon Reel (1) (The).”

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