T:Possum Trot [2]
N:From the playing of fiddler Art Galbraith (1909-1993, Springfield, Mo., though
N:originally from Greene County, Mo., Ozarks region).
Q:"Moderately Quick"
D:Rounder 0157, Art Galbraith - "Simple Pleasures" (1984)
Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz
((3efg|a2)a2 c3A|d2d2 e-f2e-|g2bg bgee|g2 bg beeg|
a2 ae c2cA|d2d2 e-f2A|B2[G2B2]BBcB|c2A2A3:|
|:[A,E]-|[A,3E3]A c2 cA|d2d2 e-f2(A|[G2B2])G2 [G2B2]dB|c2B2B3c-|
A2 AB c-AcA|d-cde f2fA|B2[G2B2]BBdB|c2A2A3:|
POSSUM TROT [2]. American, Reel (cut time). USA, Missouri. A Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB. Composed by Greene County, Missouri, fiddler Art Galbraith (1909-1993) in the early 1950’s. Howard Marshall (Play Me Something Quick and Develish, 2013) explains that 'Possum Trot' is the nickname for the town of Walnut Grove, Greene County, Missouri. No relation to “Possum Trot (1).”
Additional notes
Source for notated version: - Art Galbraith (near Springfield, Mo.) [Beisswenger & McCann].
Recorded sources: -Rounder 0133, Art Galbraith - "Dixie Blossoms" (1981). Rounder 0157, Art Galbraith (Springfield, Mo.) - "Simple Pleasures” (1983).
See also listing at:
Hear Art Galbraith play the tune on Gordon McCann's 1981 field recording [1] (12th tune)
Hear Art Galbraith's 1983 recoding at Slippery Hill [2]