Annotation:Poyntin's Whim
X:45 T:Poyntins whim A:England;London M:4/4 L:1/8 Q:1/2=100 S:J.Walsh,Third Book of the most celebrated jiggs,etc 1731 Z:Pete Stewart, 2004 <> with vmp revisions K:F cB|A2F4GA|Bcde fgab|e2g4fg|afge fdec|dBcA fdcB|A2F4|| fg|agaf bagf|efge fagf|e2g4fg|afge fdec|dBcA fdcB|A2F4|]
POYNTIN’S WHIM. English, Country Dance Tune (4/4 time). F Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AB (Offord): AABB (Walsh). The melody appears in Lonson publisher John Walsh’s third collection of Lancashire tunes (Lancashire Jiggs, Hornpipes, Joaks, etc.) published in 1731.