T:Little Dog
T:Pretty Little Dog
N:From the playing of Lee Triplett (1897-1981, Clay County, W.Va.)
Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz
AB|A2E2G2AG |EDCC A,2 G,2|A,G,A,A, C2D2| D-E2G EDCD|
A2A2 E2D2|EEDC A,2G,2|A,G,A,A, D2C2|G,-A,-A,2- A,2A,-B,|
C2 A,-B, C2D2|EEDC A,2 G,2|A,G,A,A, C2D2| D-E2G EDCD|
A2A2 E2D2|EEDC A,2G,2|A,G,A,C D2C2|G,-A,-A,2- A,2||
[D2A2e2]|a3-g edcd|eged cAGG|A2AB c2d2|[de]-[e2e2]d [e2e2]eg|
a2 ag edcd|eged cAGG|ABAB +slide+c2 +slide+c2|+slide+[A6A6]|
AB|c2 AB c2d2|edcA G2[G2A2]-|[A2A2]AB cBd2|[d2]-[e2e2] -[e2e2]d[e2e2]eg|
a2 ag edcd|eged cAGG|ABAB +slide+c2 +slide+c2|+slide+[A6A6]||
Additional notes
Source for notated version : - Ruthie Dornfeld [Phillips].
Printed sources : - Brody (Fiddler’s Fakebook), 1983; p. 221. Johnson (The Kitchen Musician: Occasional Collection of Old-Timey Fiddle Tunes for Hammer Dulcimer, Fiddle, etc.), No. 2, 1982 (revised 1988, 2003); p. 5. Phillips (Traditional American Fiddle Tunes, vol. 2), 1995; p. 104.
Recorded sources : - Rounder 0010, "Fuzzy Mountain String Band" (1972). Yodel-ay-hee No. 108327, Critton Hollow Stringband - "Poor Boy" (1979).
See also listing at :
Jane Keefer's Folk Music Index: An Index to Recorded Sources [1]
Hear Lee Triplett play the tune in a 1973 festival recording at the Digital Library of Appalachia [2] and Slippery Hill [3]
Hear various youtube.com versions [4][5]
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