T:Quadrille à Ti-Jules - Sixième Partie
C: The Traditional Tune Archive
D:Folkways FWRF120_206, Jean-Marie Verret - "French Canadian Dance Music" (1983)
Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz
ef|:Sg2d2B2G2|D2B,2G,2AB|c2A2F2D2|C2 (3A,B,A, G,2ef|
g2d2B2G2|D2B,2G,2gg|faef d2 fa|1g2{a}gf gdef:|2 gg{a}gf gdef||
g2d2B2d2|Td4- dded|cBAG FGAB|c2{d}cB c4|[M:3/4](3c'dc {Bc}B2 A2|
G2{A}GF GABc|[M:3/2]ded^c d4- dded|cBAG FGAB cdef|[M:4/4]g2{a}gf gdefS||
QUADRILLE À TI-JULES, SIXIÈME PARTIE. French-Canadian, Quadrille (4/4 time). G Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AAB. The sixth and last change of Verret's "Quadrille à Ti-Jules," to accompany the dance figure "La Bastringue." The first strain of the tune is shared with J.A. Boucher's "L'Acrobate" but the second strains of each tune are different from one-another.
Additional notes
Recorded sources : - FolkwaysFWRF120_206, Jean-Marie and Lise Verret - "French Canadian Dance Music" (1983).