Annotation:Queen of Hearts (5)

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X:1 T:Queen of Hearts [5] M:2/4 L:1/8 R:March B:A. Robinson Jr. - ”Massachusetts collection of martial musick: containing a B:plain, easy and concise introduction to the grounds of martial musick” B:(Exeter, 1820, p. 52) B: Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G dc|BG BG BdcB|AF AF AcBG|BGBd gdBG|A2 AA A2:| |:GA|BG Bd g2 fe|d2 d>e dez|BGBd gdBG|A2 A>B A2 GA| BGBd g2 fe|d2 d>d d3c|BdBG AcAF|G2 G>G G2:|]

QUEEN OF HEARTS [5]. American, March (2/4 time). G Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB. Similar to, but not cognate with "Chimes" AKA "Give me the girl that's ripe for joy," "Birmingham March," "Captain Money's March." The latter-named tune is also in Alvan Robinson's early 19th century martial volumes.

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Printed sources : - A. Robinson Jr. (Massachusetts collection of martial musick: containing a plain, easy and concise introduction to the grounds of martial musick), Exeter N.H., 1820; p. 52.

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