T:Round O [2]
C:John Lenton
R:Country Dance Tune
B:Thomas Bray – “Country Dances” (London, 1699)
N:The volume was dedicated to the 10 yr. old Duke of
N:Gloucester, William Henry, son of Queen Anne.
N:Bray was a theatrical dancer and dancing master in
N:London in the 1690’s. The tune is Lenton’s “Round O” and
N:appears in Bray’s collection as the vehicle for his dance
N:’The Gloucester’.
Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion
d2|B3A B2G4 b2|a4 g2f3ed2|e3d e2c2 f2e2|d6 B3cd2|
A2|B3AB2G2c2B2|A6 F2f2e2|d2g2f2e2c2f2|d6 B2c2d2|
e2c2f2f2B2e2|c2A2d2B2G2e2|d2c2B2 B4 A2|A6 D4||
A2|b2a2g2f2e2d2|e6 c2f2e2|d2c2B2A2d2c2|=B6 c2d2e2|
f2e2B2 b2 f2d2|e2g2d2 A2c2f2|d2g2f2=e2a2e2|^f6 d4!D.C. al fine!||
ROUND O [2]. English, Country Dance Tune & Jig (6/4 time). B Flat Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABAACAA. The melody was composed by English composer, singer and violinist wikipedia:John_Lenton (1657 – 1719), from 1681 to his death he was a member of King Charles II's famed troupe of 24 violinists (part of the wikipedia:King_Musick, which comprised the musicians of the royal court). Choreographer Thomas Bray employed the melody as the vehicle for his dance The Gloucester.
Additional notes
Printed sources : - Thomas Bray (Country Dances), 1699.