Annotation:Salmon Tailing up the River (1)

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X:1 % T:Salmon Tailing up the River [1], The T:Lackagh Cross [1] R:polka Z:id:hn-polka-38 M:2/4 L:1/8 F: K:Edor EF/G/ FE|FD F/G/A|EF/G/ FE|F2 A2| EF/G/ FE|FD F/G/A|B>A B/c/d|1 e2 e2:|2 e2 eB/c/|| |:dA FA|DA FA|B>A GB|A2 AB/c/| dA FA|DA FA|B>A B/c/d|1 e2 f>e:|2 e2 e2||

SALMON TAILING UP THE RIVER [1]. AKA and see "[[Irish, Polka (2/4 time). E Dorian. Standard tuning (fiddle). AA'BB'.

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