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Annotation:Sligo Creek

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X:1 T:Sligo Creek R:Reel C:Danny Noveck M:2/2 L:1/8 K:Bmin ~f2ef dB~B2|~f2ef def^g|ae~e2 cBAF|EFAB c2de| ~f2ef dB~B2|~f2ef defd|ea~a2 edce|1 dBBA B2de:|2 dBBA B3A| ||:GBBA Bcde|~f2ef defd|eA~A2 cBAF|EFAB c2BA| GBBA Bcde|~f2ef defd|ea~a2 edce|1 dBBA B3A:|2 dBBA B2de||

SLIGO CREEK. American, Reel. B Minor. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB. Composed by banjo, mandolin, fiddle and guitar player Danny Noveck, originally with the title “Ballad of Fred a Wilma” (i.e. The Flintstones). Fortuitously, before it was recorded he changed the name. Sligo Creek is a free-flowing tributary of the Northwest Branch of the Anacostia River in Maryland in the suburbs of Washington, D.C., near where Noveck was living at the time he composed the melody (originally from New York, he has since moved on to Chicago and Bloomington, Indiana). The tune was used by filmmaker Ken Burns in his documentary "The National Parks: America's Best Idea."

Additional notes
Source for notated version : - Seattle fiddler Steve Trampe via Sue Songer and Lanny Martin (Portland, Oregon) [Songer].

Printed sources : - Songer (Portland Collection), 1997; p. 186.

Recorded sources : - JAR Productions JAR0217, John Whelan - "From the Heart" (2002). Maggie's Music, Al Petteway - "Caledon Wood" (). Oenoke Records 0001, John Whelan - “From the Heart” (1990). Wild Asparagus 004, Wild Asparagus - “Call of the Wild” (1993).

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