T:Success to the Fleet
R:Country Dance Tune
B:John Hinton - Universal Magazine of Knowledge and Pleasure (November, 1755, p. 224)
Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion
D|GBd dBG|g^fg dBG|cde edc|Bcd BAG|
GBd dBG|g^fg dBG|c/d/ec dBG|A^FD G2:|
|:B|BcB fdB|bfd fdB|cdc gec|GAB A^FD|
GBd dBG|g^fg cde|dBd dBd|A^FD G2:|]
SUCCESS TO THE FLEET. English, Jig (6/8 time). G Minor. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB. "Success to the Fleet" is a country dance and tune first printed in John Hinton's Universal Magazine of Knowledge and Pleasure in November, 1755 (p. 224). It was followed soon after with a printing in Richard Baldwin's rival periodical The London Magazine: Or, Gentleman's Monthly Intelligencer of March, 1756 (p. 141).